Friday, 25 January 2019

Ready-painted and affordable wargame units

Midnight Studio proudly announces that we will be regularly completing ready-made units using affordable miniatures such as plastic 1/72 figures and hard plastic 28mm. They will be painted to a basic standard - blocked colour, wash, and some limited highlighting- which nonetheless looks good on the wargame’s table. They offer the wargamer a relatively cheap introduction to new periods and an affordable means of collecting and gaming with large forces. They will be sold of eBay and future releases include American Civil War infantry (1/72), Seven Years War Prussians and Austrians (1/72), WWII winter Germans and Soviets (1/72), WWII desert war British and Germans (28mm), and Napoleonic Peninsular War British and French infantry (28mm). Please contact us should you require further information or would like to make requests as to what we paint.