Wednesday, 6 June 2018

American Civil War: Grand Tactical Battles

Made a start on a new project a couple of weeks ago. I've finally put that box of Irregular Miniature's 2mm, stuffed in a cupboard for more decades than I care to remember, to good use- for wargaming the American Civil War at grand tactical scale. Decided to use Altar of Freedom by Greg Wagman (2013), partly because they are excellent rules, partly because they are very well supported with scenarios ( Infantry and cavalry bases each represent a brigade and most American Civil War Battles can be fought across a 6 foot by 4 foot table.
The photo shows my first attempt at Union infantry. The rules recommend 60mm by 30mm bases for infantry brigades, which is quite small given that each brigade could have between three and six regiments. But I think the results are quite satisfactory in 2mm. I've used two double rank infantry blocks per regiment, each of the brigades depicted here containing four regiments and a mounted brigade command. And you could just about manage to find space for six regiments. The downside is there isn't room for skirmishers. I've also added some self-adhesive acetate to the bottom left for recording the regimental information necessary by using a fine non-permanent pen. It can be wiped clean after you have finished the game.